Senior Information
Quick Links
Senior Google Classroom: Class code 3dixxg4
This platform is designed to keep seniors in the loop about events happening at school and within the community. Along with scholarship information, military, and workforce information. Parents are welcome to join it.
October 22nd- FTCC is holding a free fall showcase to help students apply and complete their FAFSA. I put the flyer below to be attached.
Please click here to view the flyer Fall Showcase FTCC
October 25th- Cumberland County is hosting a college fair from 4-7 pm for free and open to the public. A list of colleges that will be in attendance is posted on Google classroom.
FAFSA: Please only use this link when completing your FAFSA
College Guide Book book: College Guide Book Book
Please review this guide to help students on their journey of applying to higher education.
NC countdown to college week from Oct 17th-21st
Students must apply through and all materials are due at 5 pm on Friday. Follow this link to learn more.