PE Resources

Balancing - Improve your balance with these simple exercises.

BOKS at home - BOKS provides free physical activity curriculum, training and support to communities looking to establish and maintain impactful fitness and nutrition programs serving the whole child.

Kids Workout - Full 25-min exercise routine program for kids and parents on YouTube!

Listen and Move - Listen for the verbal prompts and try to keep up!

Mindful Breathing - Learn how to raise your energy and face your day with this empowering exercise.

PBS Dance - Encourage and explore the participation, analysis, appreciation, and history of Dance.

PBS Learning Media - Discover resources that provide essential lessons on physical, mental, and emotional health.

Spiderman Warm-Up - Warm-ups are important to prepare your body for safe exercise.

Wonderopolis Dance - Videos and articles to teach you things about dance that you didn't even know you wanted to learn!