Arts Education
Visual Arts:
Purpose: To provide high school Visual Arts students of Cumberland County with in-depth artistic preparation in the various visual disciplines.
Classes: Visual arts classes offered at South View High are:
Beginning Art
Intermediate Art
Proficient Art
Advanced Art
AP Studio
Email Lorraine Hardman, Art Teacher
South View Theater Arts:
Purpose: To provide all high school theater arts students of Cumberland County with an environment where they can develop their acting ability and knowledge of the theater to the fullest.
Theater Arts Courses: Theater Arts students at South View High School may participate in the following classes.
Beginning Theater Arts
Intermediate Theater Arts
Proficient Theater Arts
Advanced Theater Arts
Email Tyanna Ward, Theatre Teacher
South View Dance:
Purpose: To provide all high school dance students of Cumberland County with an environment where they can develop their dance skills and knowledge to the fullest.
Course Offerings:
Beginning Dance
Intermediate Dance
Proficient Dance
Advanced Dance
Email Denyse Murguia, Dance Teacher
South View Chorus
Choral music instruction is offered at elementary, middle and high schools throughout the county schools. In addition to school performing ensembles, students may also audition for placement in the annual All-County Chorus Clinics and Concerts for elementary, middle and high band students.
Purpose: To provide all high-school chorus students of Cumberland County with an environment where they can develop their musical skills and knowledge to the fullest in all possible musical genres.
Classes and Ensembles: Chorus students at South View High School may participate in the following classes.
Beginning Chorus
Intermediate Chorus
Proficient Chorus
Advanced Chorus
Email Brittany Stephenson, Chorus Teacher
South View Band
Band instruction is offered at middle and high schools throughout the county schools. In addition to school performing ensembles, students may also audition for placement in the annual All-County Band Clinics and Concerts for middle and high band students. Many CCS band students compete successfully for membership in the All-District and state Honors Band clinics. In addition, high school band students participate in CCS’s exciting and outstanding Marching Band programs.
Purpose: To provide all high school band students of Cumberland County an environment where they can develop their musical skills and knowledge to the fullest in all possible musical genres.
Classes and Ensembles: Band students at South View High School may participate in the following classes.
Beginning Band
Intermediate Band
Proficient Band
Advanced Band
Email Al Strickland, Band Teacher
South View Orchestra
Beginning at the fifth-grade level, the String Orchestra program is offered to all interested fifth-grade students as part of a sequential instructional program that continues through middle and high school. Two auditioned countywide orchestra ensembles provide challenges beyond the classroom – the Middle School Youth Orchestra (MSYO, gr. 6-8) and the Cumberland County Youth Orchestra (CCYO, gr. 9-12). While a string ensemble in the fall, CCYO expands to a full orchestra with the addition of band students in the spring. The All-County High School Orchestra clinic, a rigorous two-day clinic with a guest conductor, provides orchestra students with an exceptional opportunity for learning. In addition, the Annual Spring Orchestra Festival is two nights of concerts featuring different grade levels of orchestra students as well as MSYO and CCYO.
Classes and Ensembles: Orchestra students at South View High School may participate in the following classes:
Beginning Orchestra
Intermediate Orchestra
Proficient Orchestra
Advanced Orchestra